Tao Of Backup GuestBook

Welcome to the Tao Of Backup guestbook. To add your own entry, just fill out the guestbook form.



     Joseph Lallott
     Chicago, USA, Wed 16-Feb-2005 4:12am


I love this site

     Toronto, Canada, Mon 14-Feb-2005 6:10am


cool site

     dolly gill
     dallas, usa, Thu 10-Feb-2005 4:25am


Cool website!

     Ferndale, MI, Wed 02-Feb-2005 4:19pm


This is great fun!

     Slarti Bartfast
     Norfolk, a small planet, Fri 28-Jan-2005 3:45am


Loved it!

     Jack R. Reaper
     Beverwijk, Netherlands, Tue 25-Jan-2005 7:44pm


nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page, keep it up!nice page,

     Vancouver, Canada, Sun 23-Jan-2005 6:05am



     SATURA, SA, Thu 20-Jan-2005 1:54am


guy man keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep offffffffffffffffffffffffff

     lome, togo, Wed 12-Jan-2005 3:46pm


I love me some Tao of backup

     Art Vandalay
     CPT, USA, Fri 07-Jan-2005 2:28am


hi, nice website on tao.

     syd, usa, Tue 04-Jan-2005 2:26pm


Good site. Lots of info

     Oscar Clownass
     Freemont, USA, Sun 02-Jan-2005 9:38pm


Nice and enlightning

     Arturo Pagniez
     Vte.Lopez, Argentina, Tue 28-Dec-2004 2:05am


nice site

     maryan hassan
     fredrikstad, norway, Sat 25-Dec-2004 1:12am


i dey here ooooooooooooooooooooo

     lome, togo, Thu 09-Dec-2004 2:00am


Very nice!

     foster k
     pittsburgh, usa, Fri 03-Dec-2004 2:26pm



     YAHOO, ABIDJAN, Mon 22-Nov-2004 4:13pm


I am but a small grasshopper, but Master, is it true that Mac computers are less vulnerable to viruses? I don't back up, except for my accounting files.

     Lynn Ludlam
     carlsbad, USA, Wed 15-Sep-2004 4:26pm


Thanks. I say with veracity that I feel enlightened.

     Philip Elliott
     Ormond Beach, USA, Thu 19-Aug-2004 11:41pm


Very Enlightening!

     Stephan Dahl
     Copenhagen, Denmark, Mon 16-Aug-2004 8:39am


Thank you master

     Jerry Warnock
     Houston, USA, Sun 01-Aug-2004 12:27am


Too much time on your hands. Maybe you should get a life and get a job. Like your mum.

     Michael Hunt
     America, Detroit, Wed 09-Jun-2004 3:58am


You have to much time on your hands. Your sad.

     Sydney, Australia, Wed 09-Jun-2004 3:56am


good information

     anthony cordero
     janesville, usa, Fri 02-Apr-2004 4:53pm


good very good to send information please thanks

     jose barrios rey
     barcelona, spain, Fri 02-Apr-2004 2:24pm



     city wok, Bankstown, Thu 19-Feb-2004 3:15am


Nice web page, with funny interpretation, best backup guide ever.

     Tomislav Prsir
     zagreb, Croatia, Mon 16-Feb-2004 10:12am


Hilarious. Loved it! You should think about writing a computer user's guide with this in mind. Many users out there do not even know what a mouse is!

     allen roberts
     jonesboro, usa, Wed 11-Feb-2004 3:40am


Well done. Nothing really new to anyone who's been in the computing world for very long, but a fun read nonetheless. As advertising goes, I don't recall a product plug I've found this amusing. 8-)

     Patrick Sweeney
     Bothell, WA, USA, Tue 02-Dec-2003 7:55am


Now *this* is some great advertising. Most other companies out there could learn a lot from you. Funny, nevertheless very good information and some advertising at the end. Thank you for making this site.

     Aaron Isotton
     Horgen, Switzerland, Sat 15-Nov-2003 1:03pm


i dey ooooooooooooooooo

     lagos, lome, Sun 09-Nov-2003 3:59am


This site is AWESOME! ahahaha! reading how to back up files in a philisophical way, like what happened if confuscious made it to the era of computers... nice site, nice topic, nice theme!

     Ace Balasador
     Manila, Philippines, Thu 16-Oct-2003 6:37am


Excellent! your site made me conceptualize my computer as a being rather than an appliance. cousin lucky

     Cousin Lucky
     New York, United States, Fri 10-Oct-2003 11:07am


Good site. It has many useful information. Thanks :-)

     Mongkol Mongkolajala
     Bangkok, Thailand, Thu 18-Sep-2003 2:58am


Just what I was looking for...right on time. Thank you you saved 5 years of work.

     Garland TX, USA, Mon 15-Sep-2003 4:46pm


Just what I was looking for...right on time. Thank you you saved 5 years of work.

     Garland TX, USA, Mon 15-Sep-2003 4:46pm


Very nice site. I completely revised my backup strategy after I read this.

     Jurgen Heisenberg
     qa, qa, Thu 14-Aug-2003 6:50am


I have been enlightened

     Lotus Peel
     Woomargama, Australia, Wed 06-Aug-2003 5:56am


Reminds me of honey, in the TAO OF POE. Good work!

     A'pen, Belgium, Fri 20-Jun-2003 9:49pm


Thanks for the great site d00ds! I'm using what I've learned here to create backup procedures for a tech college assignment. Keep up the good work.

     Brisbane, Australia, Thu 19-Jun-2003 3:13am


kool, in its own way..............thx 4 d tips on d backup deal

     uyo, Nigeria, Wed 18-Jun-2003 10:41am


c001! how about a comic version of this? that would be nice...

     manila, philippines, Wed 11-Jun-2003 3:37pm


this is a NERD site...completely irrelvant

     sydney, australia, Wed 21-May-2003 2:46am


pretty good i actually like this site.some of the other guys under my entry are classmates being stupid

     Kristofer Leigh Warren
     Bombala, Australia, Mon 05-May-2003 1:00am


i have wasted 1 hour reading this site and got nuthing from it

     bombala, australia, Mon 05-May-2003 12:40am


i think this site is a waste of time....it has nuthing to do with anything...

     Bombala, Australia, Mon 05-May-2003 12:38am


Very nice little site, a good read.

     toronto, canada, Fri 28-Mar-2003 4:05pm


Thought this a gr8, original and amusing interlude in an otherwise somewhat stuffy and frustrating tech course!!hehe

     Paula Furber
     FORBES, AUSTRALIA, Wed 19-Mar-2003 12:26am


Did anyone else get the mr MIAGI voice from karatae kid happening when the master was talking?? overall, i think this site just takes up disk space on a perfectly good server, it should irradicate itself from the internet.

     mr miagi
     asdfsdf, asdfsdf, Fri 14-Mar-2003 3:37am


tHIS sITE nEEDS sOME bETTER sTUFF bUT oVER aLL i gIVE iT 4.99999 oUT oF 10

     Joe Blow
     Quebec, Canada, Sun 23-Feb-2003 11:44pm


this site is extremly confusing and told me nothing i didnt already know the master is a putz i am smarter than this decrepid old man and he smells like a corpse and that is not how you spell earl

     glenn wisley the real backup master
     newcastle, australia, Sun 23-Feb-2003 11:30pm



     Terri Mudiman
     Parkes, Australia, Sun 23-Feb-2003 1:15am


Great site very informative

     Miss Bywater
     Newcastle, Australia, Thu 20-Feb-2003 4:06am


Was pleased to see the teachings still out on the web since I first discovered them in 1999. My new staff will be indoctrinated!

     John Cirocco
     Buffalo, USA, Mon 20-Jan-2003 6:23pm


The Way has no front or back, no left or right: all things are mysteriously the same, with no right and no wrong - Wen-Tzu

     Toronto, Canada, Fri 03-Jan-2003 7:17pm


funny and true, my backups are now secure, thank you Tao Of Backup!!!

     Robert Gardner
     Manchester, England, Fri 13-Dec-2002 12:41pm


funny and true, my backups are now secure, thank you Tao Of Backup!!!

     Robert Gardner
     Manchester, England, Fri 13-Dec-2002 12:40pm


Very Good tale1 I hope your software is right like the novel

     Marco Ziglioli
     Soncino (CR), Italy, Fri 06-Dec-2002 9:35am


Rolled on floor and almost choked with laughter! After working a 70 hour week following a backup and restore disaster, this is exactly what I needed!!!

     Rajiev Gupta
     Palo Alto, USA, Sun 13-Oct-2002 6:26pm


It was very interesting thank you

     Richard Cusbert
     Tumut, Australia, Wed 11-Sep-2002 2:43am


It gives a lot of informaton thank you.

     Richard Cusbert
     Tumut, Australia, Wed 11-Sep-2002 2:34am


very informative, a great read.

     Talbingo, Australia, Wed 11-Sep-2002 2:30am


Pioneers in a new informative marketing. I normally am not so patient while browsing... But this made me sit up and remember all those early days under dos and unix backup when we were never sure if the backup was really a backup.. Now my socks have been pulled up.. Thanks, I sincerely hope people change their marketing strategies. All the best...

     Pradeep Esteves
     Bangalore, India, Sat 20-Jul-2002 5:32pm



     Palo Alto, USA, Wed 17-Jul-2002 9:56pm


Simply informative. Really needed this info to show my Boss. (PS do you give classes on sales??).

     Daniel de Leon
     Washington DC, USA, Wed 17-Jul-2002 6:19pm


I visited the site as part of an OTEN course i am undertaking. The site is both educational and interesting (a rare find). What is the meaning of Tao?

     Kim Williams
     Sydney, Australia, Thu 04-Jul-2002 1:28am


We are a State government vocational education institution and we would like to place a link to your site on our learningware instruction page as we are teaching students about the importance of backup. Would you be happy for me to do that? Louise Jones Northern Sydney Institute TAFE NSW

     Sydney, Australia, Sat 29-Jun-2002 12:42am


Why did you have to SPAM the Usenet UNIX admin group?

     Skinny Kitty
     Boston, MA, Wed 26-Jun-2002 7:05pm


Backup is vital. Make true your backup work well. This avoid heartache.

     Roger Barraud
     Auckland, New Zealand, Thu 16-May-2002 10:21pm


i lUV tHe TAo StOrY A cRacK uP!!!!

     melb, aust, Tue 07-May-2002 9:03am


I enjoy your Web Site JOHN

     John Woodard
     Gallatin Tn., USA, Wed 03-Apr-2002 5:24pm


somebody send us up the bomb

     make your time
     pittsburgh, usa, Mon 01-Apr-2002 8:24pm


Very useful

     Paul Wright
     Wellington, England, Thu 21-Mar-2002 7:52pm


Terrific! Thanks for the insight.

     Paul Kemp
     Fort Bragg, CA, USA, Tue 19-Mar-2002 12:52am



     Serge Beck
     Albuquerque, NM, USA, Fri 15-Mar-2002 6:00am


Thanks for a great site!!!! It helped me a great deal!!!......

     Kylie Edmonds
     Newcastle, Australia, Tue 12-Mar-2002 6:27am


Thank You!!

     Don Jenkins
     Lake Wales, US, Sat 09-Mar-2002 11:53pm


One would think that having data meticulously distributed across 3 computers would give adequate protection. Unfortunatley, such was not my happy experience, as 4 drives successively failed before all the data could be retrieved and redistributed.

     Peter McNab
     Reservoir, Australia, Tue 12-Feb-2002 11:10am


Enlightening. Will surely mail the link to my complete address book. Success.

     Danny Weyne
     De Panne, Belgium, Sat 19-Jan-2002 2:31am


Funny and instructive

     La Lor
     To, Ca, Mon 07-Jan-2002 11:03pm


Okay, that was cute. I normally don't like people trying to sell me things (it's kind of pointless anyway: college students never have any money), but I'm sending this link to a couple of people. I rarely do that, just as I rarely sign guestbooks. However, you have used creativity to present information on what is normally a very dry subject, even to computer geeks like myself. Now if only I could get my dad to back up his computer when I tell him to so that my job is easier when he screws something up!

     DeKalb, IL, Sun 30-Dec-2001 5:53pm


Good site. I gather Free Veracity is not available to us win98 folks. Bummer.

     Bill Cook
     Kent WA, USA, Thu 27-Dec-2001 6:08pm


I find your site useful to me being a rookie for a systems administrator position. I hope i can get more information on this site in the near future.

     Raul ebeo
     Manila, Philippines, Thu 13-Dec-2001 2:24am


I must admit this is the first time I've ever been moved also to sign a guest book. A very innovative & interesting way of 'enlightening' someone.

     Auckland, New Zealand, Wed 31-Oct-2001 9:17pm


Excellent site. However, I still have one question - If a backup runs by itself, in a forest, and nobody is there to restore, is the data still on the tape?

     Charlie Rubeor
     West Hartford, U.S.A., Fri 26-Oct-2001 1:54pm


This is the first time I have ever felt moved to sign a guestbook - I thought the site made a dull subject very entertaining (as well as being informative). I look forward to implementing our own version of the Parrot/Frog system very soon!

     Mark Herdman
     Leicester, UK, Wed 26-Sep-2001 12:52pm


You explained the topic so clearly that even my manager will understand it. Great site.

     Oscar Goosens
     The Hague, Holland, Tue 25-Sep-2001 5:35am


interesting?? but also looking for methods and how too!! back up thank you very much vern

     vern micklin
     adelanto, u.s., Tue 28-Aug-2001 1:19am


if only enlightenment reached me 4 hours ago

     perth, australia, Tue 14-Aug-2001 3:14pm


I guess I always knew that I had a long way to go to enlightenment - now I am certain!!

     Ben Mudd
     New Norcia, West Australia, Wed 01-Aug-2001 7:34am


And the king said: I've read the "tao of backup" and i was really amused.

     frank n furter
     frankfurt, germany, Mon 30-Jul-2001 7:44am


Clay is formed to make a pot but it is where there is nothing that the usefullness of a pot lies without the tao of backup nothing is what you will have

     Jan Deswik
     Mt. Prospect, USA, Fri 22-Jun-2001 2:55pm


Excellent koans! Nothing like looking for a backup you never made.

     Will Norris
     New Orleans, USA, Mon 04-Jun-2001 9:33pm


Hilarious!!! Loved the Parrot and Frog section; but informative also

     Ellie Atkinson
     Sydney, Australia, Tue 16-Jan-2001 8:00am


That was enligtening and fun and serious!

     Gregory Hong
     Toronto, Canada, Tue 09-Jan-2001 6:50pm


Ross, thank you for this. It was sufficiently delightful that I didn't even mind that it was a shill. ;-) Not to mention sadly but profoundly true.

     Joseph Yao
     Silver Spring MD, USA, Wed 27-Sep-2000 11:48pm


A Very Concise set of lessons masters. When I can joyfully erase my hard drives I know I will have learned.

     Kevin Georgison
     Winnipeg, Canada, Sun 25-Jun-2000 10:04pm


Una pgina muy completa y de gran utilidad. Saludos... y gracias

     Luis Enrique S. Garcia
     Pachuca, Mxico, Sat 24-Jun-2000 7:40pm


Well done!

     Robert Turnbull
     Toronto, Canada, Mon 15-May-2000 3:38am


Backup? Isn't that something your manager gets when you try to discuss recovery, and costs. Excellent piece. I might even look at Veracity.

     Portsmouth, United Kingdom, Wed 29-Mar-2000 9:56am


Very helpful.

     Santiago Leon
     Miami, Florida, Sat 25-Mar-2000 5:42am


Thank you for this site which I visit for enlightenment every month or two!!!

     Laurie McDonald
     Booragoon 6154, West Australia, Tue 22-Feb-2000 7:40am


Enlightening and entertaining!

     Raul I. Limos
     Angeles, Philippines, Mon 21-Feb-2000 12:16pm


Backup is never a 'hot', 'sexy', or 'attractive' topic, but your site makes it approachable for those who dislike maintenance. I'm still not sure if it isn't preaching to the choir that makes some of us 'laugh with tears' at the stories, but it sure did rekindle that little Jimminy Cricket voice when I read about off-site distribution...because I realized I had moved from the choir to the pew and haven't been religious in packing 'em up and moving 'em out. Well done, well done.

     Michael T. Brockbank
     Schenectady, USA, Sun 06-Feb-2000 4:39pm


Oh Wise One, this has been truely enlightening. I have just been ask to assist in a backup review and now I have a better understanding of what is needed. My humble thanks for a truely entertaining and informative site. Even the plug at the end was witty.

     Heather Fernandes
     Wellington, NZ, Wed 25-Aug-1999 10:20pm


So, now we now. The truth is out there and I found it on this site. I have mailed the link to all the backup no-no's that I know. Personally, I enjoyed reading every single letter of it. Thanks for creating this site. Eric.

     Eric de Lange
     Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Mon 17-May-1999 3:20pm


I am researching backup strategies and I found your site to be most informative and enlightening. Hopefully by company will find the importance of backup strategy very enlightening, when I propose my research findings. Thanks

     James D DeHaven III
     New Port Richey, USA, Fri 30-Apr-1999 7:12pm


Love the information. I was doing research and go lots of useful info.

     Arian Soheili
     Vancouver, BC, Canada, Sun 11-Apr-1999 10:43pm


Excellent pages; clear and informative, funny and readable. Going to tell all my friends and possibly buy a tape drive (one day :-/ !)

     Steve Carter
     York, UK, Fri 02-Apr-1999 12:04pm


Thank you oh wise and awesome perveyor or wisdom to humble novices. Now I shall go forth and practice the lesson well learnt. Anthony Foxcroft Auckland 25.1.99

     Anthony Foxcroft
     Auckland, New Zealand, Sun 24-Jan-1999 8:13pm


Great site. Although we have a department that looks after this, it is always nice to see that people without this luxury have well thought out and easy to read websites to help them along the way with backups... (Touch wood, never had to restore yet!)

     Sydney, Australia, Sat 23-Jan-1999 12:52pm


And never shall you forget to have a copy of your harddisk tools and backup software on a bootable floppy that you check every day, for else you will find that the only disk that you can still boot from contains a very old version of a diskmonitor and it shall take you a night and a day to recreate your disk structure so you can get a working copy of your backup software :-) One who lost the source of his early Amiga years.

     Joachim Buechse
     Zuerich, Switzerland, Thu 21-Jan-1999 12:26am


Great Info. Will pass on URL to colleagues.

     David Whittaker-Smith
     Mnchengladbach, Germany, Sun 18-Oct-1998 1:45pm



     George Tereshko
     San Francisco, USA, Fri 25-Sep-1998 3:27pm


Very interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed it. We are doing most of what the master suggests. Probably should include the items we aren't.

     Jim Cooper
     Scott AFB, IL, USA, Wed 05-Aug-1998 7:24pm


But the second version of anything is always better, no? In my experience, enlightenment will come to many only after the first total loss.

     Geoff Gardiner
     Cambridge, UK, Thu 30-Jul-1998 8:34am


The only person I ever felt sorry for was a Doctorial candidate whose house burned down shortly before her thesis was due. That mound of melted plastic that had been her backup floppies sitting beside her charred computer didn't leave much to restore. If I had been able to refer her to your site maybe she would not have forgotten step 3, Separation.

     Fred Pryor
     East Sandwich, USA, Tue 02-Jun-1998 1:23pm


That's the way how to make my mondey morning nicer` than others. Keep going on this way.

     Sinisa Habulin
     Zagreb, Croatia, Mon 11-May-1998 9:09am


The smartest, funniest sales pitch I've come across in a very long time. Godamn, I want your product!

     Steve Wilson
     Oxford, UK, Thu 07-May-1998 12:52pm


Excellent Site. I have preached the message of some of the seven heads to my consulting clients; but my home site doesn't pass the audit. I will be pointing others to the TAO and perhaps my journey will end in Enlightenment also.

     Joe Dial
     Hampton, VA, USA, Fri 01-May-1998 2:35am


good site. I liked the Tao of backup story.

     Ravikumar Viswanatha
     Milford, USA, Tue 07-Apr-1998 2:09pm


Data is like every thing you ever wanted, you don't know what you had until you lost it.

     Sigurur Jnas Eggertsson
     Reykjavk, Iceland, Tue 07-Apr-1998 1:25pm


I was truly enlightened. Thanks.

     Selene Willis
     Pasadena, USA, Mon 23-Mar-1998 4:10pm



     Nigel Vickers
     Kreimbach-Kaulbach, Germany, Fri 13-Mar-1998 6:35pm


Great job!! This was a _hoot_, and unfortunately, quite too accurate a picture of 'real life in Corporate America'. Thanks for the great story! :)

     Jeff Gostin
     Mounain View, USA, Sun 08-Mar-1998 2:05am


Enjoyed the site - even managed to pass the audit... I had to learn the hard way 25 years ago, hardware fault in a tapedrive, the read after write test was fixed as OK! Last major problem was over 5 years ago, tapedrive head alignment drift. I'd warned about the repair history 9 months before the crash. But management refused to act... Colleagues perceive my backup strategies as near paranoid - until they loose their data, then they agree! As I learned from flying - don't make the same mistake once, it could be your last.

     John Douglas
     London, UK, Fri 06-Mar-1998 6:49pm


Nice example how these nasty and boring backup advices can be made really interesting! Well done! ;-)

     Harry Bush
     Riga, Latvia, Wed 25-Feb-1998 3:57pm


Interesting reading! Very enjoyable.

     Lucy Leong
     Singapore, Singapore, Sun 26-Oct-1997 1:57pm


I sent mail to Ross telling him that the Tao of Backup was "so good, it scares me". He thwacked me over the back of the head with the URL of this guestbook. I was thus Enlightened.

     Garth Kidd
     Adelaide, Australia, Tue 14-Oct-1997 4:48am


I just love the design of the Tao. The words make good sense too. I have made it required reading for my Systems Analysis class.

     Barry Dwyer
     Adelaide, Australia, Mon 13-Oct-1997 12:51am


Very nice piece of work. I even think I passed the Audit!

     Jeremy Begg
     Adelaide, Australia, Fri 03-Oct-1997 7:09am

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